‘And the invisible ‘Magic’ united them’

The Forest, Persefoni Trail, Troodos Mountains, Cyprus

The Forest, Persefoni Trail, Troodos Mountains, Cyprus, 2022 (photo: by Author)

Her resilience shone through her aura of motions and words

A leader in her own right

Creating the space for us to reveal our light

Luring our minds with a question of heart

‘What made your day?’

And he who recently miraculously appeared

Instantly united

Spoke to us of family, of growing gracefully

Of love

And of a most important life lesson

To be loved by those we care about and love most

The man with the deep humble heart

Quiet and wise, absorbing the magic of it all

He was grateful

Just grateful for this meaningful moment

Of being right here, right now

The roses in her garden made her day - body and mind

The book though…..

Its words reached her heart and soul

She had always known though…..

From a place unknown

That at a blossoming age

She is the CEO of her dream!

The kind gesture of a fellow human

Touched him profoundly

His immense will to help others, clear and visible

Emanates so strongly from within

Her self-confidence

Ascending day by day, week by week, ever so

She spoke to us about how she displayed her truth in a moment that mattered

That made her day, ever so

And ours

As light-hearted as always and his smile contagious

Keeping our spark alight

He spoke of himself not speaking

But for a man full of light

His presence radiates a thousand words

And a courageous soul who magically appeared

Instantly opened up and connected

She shared a life-changing experience

Her story and trust in us moved us deeply

For some, tears of inspiration transpired

He shares the main message he took away from an author

‘There is no perfect partner’

‘The answer is to love oneself first’

His hope is that this resonated

The CEO of her dream reminds us

Age is but a number

She inspires us with her stories

Of motorbikes, of drums and many more

With her charisma, care and coaching

Her message says to all who listen past words

‘Life starts now, life starts now’

And he, who knows in his heart and soul, that

‘I am you and you are me’

As he seeks and learns

He peels off layer after layer to find his inner voice, which does not use words

At this moment though, it whispers ‘your purpose is connection’

And because we see all the above in each other, we also see them in ourselves.

For that, we thank one another and ourselves.

With Love and all as One!

Walid K

Walid recently rediscovered his passion for writing when he came across some poems which he had written more than 20 years ago.

Walid receives inspiration when spending time in nature and when reading or listening to authors like Alan Watts, Carl Gustav Jung, Fritjof Capra, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Denis Waitley and Anthony Robbins.

He also finds that he unveils deep insights and reflections when writing speeches that he delivers at his local Toastmasters’ public speaking club.

Rumi said, “there is a voice that doesn’t use words… listen”. When we spend time in nature, and when we read and write about subjects we resonate with, we begin to hear the whispers of our inner voice.


‘The River as Mind’


‘In 1921, a Butterfly’