‘A Silent Connection’

Pine Trees Sun - The Forest Troodos Mountains

The Forest, Persefoni Trail, Troodos Mountains, Cyprus, 2023 (photo: by Author)

27th July 2024

In the centre of the forest

The Sun’s rays shone

on to the magnificent hoop pine

I sensed Nature’s ineffable call

As if from a sentient being

My heart embraced the tree

My ear listened within


The birds ceased a sing…

and all Worlds stood still

In silence it spoke

An unknown connection

Ever present and true

My soul now free!

Walid K

Walid recently rediscovered his passion for writing when he came across some poems which he had written more than 20 years ago.

Walid receives inspiration when spending time in nature and when reading or listening to authors like Alan Watts, Carl Gustav Jung, Fritjof Capra, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Denis Waitley and Anthony Robbins.

He also finds that he unveils deep insights and reflections when writing speeches that he delivers at his local Toastmasters’ public speaking club.

Rumi said, “there is a voice that doesn’t use words… listen”. When we spend time in nature, and when we read and write about subjects we resonate with, we begin to hear the whispers of our inner voice.


‘One, a Reminder’


‘A Field Collective’