‘Winter’s Wisdom’
The Leafless Winter Tree, Foini, Cyprus, 2023 (photo: by Author)
The Winter rings the wiseman’s song
Ever so fleetingly
and just for a while,
in forms formless it dwells
In the ether of the crisp Winter wind,
it whispers to us…
Whispering Wisdom’s melody,
through Nature’s harp of leafless branches
of the white Winter trees
Ever so fleetingly
and just for a while,
in forms formless it dwells
In the ether of the crystal Winter sunlight,
it appears to us…
Underneath a historic arch,
as a magical reflection of an elderly wise woman,
offering Wisdom’s light
to the Spirit of her wiseman’s song
Ever so fleetingly
and just for a while,
in forms formless it dwells
The Spirit of Winter's wisdom song!
The Historic Arch, Foini, Cyprus, 2023 (photo: by Author)